Color sand washing floor is a new type of building decoration material, it is especially suitable for indoor and outdoor surface decoration, with wear-resisting, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, dust-proof and other functions. In recent years, color sand washing floor has been used more and more in various building surface decoration, with good decorative effect.
The color sand washing floor is made of a special building material, which is composed of cement, fine sand, fly ash, mineral modifier and other materials. Its production process is divided into several steps: first, mix cement, fine sand, fly ash and other raw materials in a mixer, then add modifier to the mixture and mix, finally pour the mixture into the mold, after a certain period of curing can form color sand washing floor.
Color sand washing floor has a certain wear resistance, it is not easy to be corroded by the outside world, can effectively prevent the breeding of dust, keep the air fresh, at the same time can protect the surface color, make it more bright. In addition, the color sand washing floor also has good heat insulation performance, can effectively prevent indoor temperature is too high.
洗砂地坪是一种特殊的地面装饰材料,它以洗砂工艺为基础,将混凝土地面涂层,再经过抛光、染色等多种工序制作而成,具有耐磨、抗冲击、平整、美观等特点,被广泛用于工厂、超市、办公室、咖啡厅、娱乐场所等重要场所。 彩色洗砂地坪以普通混凝土地面为基底,采用高科技技术,将混凝土地面表面处理成光滑表面,再涂覆多种彩色材料,使地面形成美观、耐用、经久耐磨的彩色洗砂地坪。 彩色洗砂地坪以其**的性能而**,可以根据使用环境的不同,采用不同的原料,并增添不同的色彩,使地坪充满变化,让您的空间更加灵动、更有色彩。彩色洗砂地坪制作工艺相对复杂,质量要求比较高,因此拥有良好的彩色洗砂地坪厂家对于客户来说是非常重要的,只有选择正规、实力雄厚的厂家,才能保证质量。形状:可定制
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